In my honest opinion, I honestly think so. Seriously, if u take a look at (ok, I was gonna say most blogs) but the blogs of the people that I associate myself with, they just talk about their stupid meaningless lives. Most of the time, it was about their day.
I bought this blab la bla today. Don’t you think it looks cool? My boyfriend said it was too expensive heeeheee *wink*
(man I ff-ing hate those “heee-heee’s” and “he-he’s”. Seriously, who cares about the expressions on your face at that time.
And then they put their irritating meaningless picture.

(Ok, I was looking for a picture of a handbag or some shoes but this is all I could get)
Or it would be something like this.
I had this at the mamak today for lunch cos my frens all sed they wanna yum cha maa. So cool hor… Doesn’t it look yummy? *drool*

(In case ur wondering, this was actually a ‘Pizza’ ordered at Spicy Kitchen (mamak), Kepong. It was honestly naan, ketchup, mayo and chicken bits)
So you get my drift right. Call me bitter and a hater la but seriously, why is it that ‘bloggers’ treat their blogs like some sort of window/diary to talk bout their shitty meaningless experiences or their shitty meaningless feelings.
For instance, I have this group of friends. Some are normal vain and the others are super vain. We call ourselves Evöus (cant be bothered to explain why cos this isn’t my blog and I’m just doing this as apparently my friends hate me cos I am some serial fongfeikei-er and I hope this buys me some brownie points with the contributors of this blogs who are my fongfeikei victims)
So Evöus right, consisting of the ‘normal vain ones’ and the ‘super vain ones’ who blog, are like “Hey, did u check out Wong, Lyn and Ade’s blog?” I’m so super disgusted because in my mind, only egomaniacs who seem to think that the world really cares bout every single detail bout their lives would set-up a blog. All this happened 2003ish, only Form 4 and these chicks were setting up blogs.
Wong’s blog was about what she ate, all her pictures she ever took with her boyfriend Shawn (seriously, ALL her photos that she thought she look good in: all her handphone photos, all her blinky big eyes ‘I’m-so-cute’ photos she took while she was bored in the car waiting for he boyfriend to get his cash from the ATM’… You get my drift. The content of her blog? Who she thought was hitting on her boyfriend, who was bitching about who, who was bitching bout her, who she thought was a bitch.
Lyn’s blog was just the same except she had some ‘major’ controversy ya’ll. Her then boyfriends’ ex-girlfriend posted some really mean shit on hers, so she posted some mean shit back on that ex’s blog, leading to some major bitch fest.
Then guess what – the exact same shit happened to Ade’s blog wei! With the ex and all except, of course this was Ade’s own boyfriends’ ex. Guess what they did. Because it had blown out of proportion, they recommended that I, ok ME, Ms. I Hate Blogs, go post some ‘back Ade up’ shit cos she was getting stomped on by all the other bitches who had combined forces with the enemies from Ade, Wong and Lyn’s blog.
Guess what I did…. I actually did it. Only because I love my gurlies at Evöus. And jeez, let me remind you that I had never seen any of the girls’ blogs. All the stuff that I know up there was cause they we’re talking bout all them “drama’s” so often kay.
So I went on the blog and went through all the ‘mean’ things that they had posted up bout Ade. Man, it was stupid shit like “she’s fat la, she’s a whore, her friends are bitches and they all think that they’re cool, and her bf’s just using her”. I felt so lame for putting up a fight for Ade in her Comments Column. They apparently stopped posting shit back. But seriously, I felt so, so ashamed.
Time went by, and I had totally cut that drama out of my system till today, I had to pull it all out for this article. Anyway, back to ‘time went by’, and I was with Su, one of the ‘normal vain’ and most un-pretentious member of Evöus, somewhere this year, and she said she found out Ade was still keeping a blog - five years later.
It was basically millions of pictures of her shopping expeditions and all her different ‘looks’ she transformed into. And the COOLEST part about it all is that she actually had a lot of hits and people actually followed her blog religiously!
The woman had fans!
She would interact with them (they commented on which way they liked her hair best) and actually ask questions like where she got her mascara from (yup, she took pictures of the mascara product she actually used). We all found it hilarious. These people out there, who only knew her through her blog, were actually concerned with which ‘look’ suited Ade better.
We (Su and I) checked her blog out and cracked-up when we saw all the above. All that happened in one day of her life. It was a really good laugh. Good times man…
Today, I am told about this blog. Set up by my very normal guy friends, who claim are the alter-ego of Evöus. Out of curiosity, because I know they are a sarcastically witty bunch, very articulate and observant, I decide to check it out. With the hype of it being new and all... Guess what I found. Two, bitching about their ‘so-called-friends’, and one, bitching about Mc D’s. As expected, it’s articulate, witty, well-structured, sarcastic and fun to read. Oh, and some pictures ‘experiences’ with Bapoks. But basically, the same shit, different format - A bunch of guys whining about their experiences.
Question is - Why am I joining in with this blog? I honestly feel that the only people who are will be reading this blog are the ones who have written for it, my friends, and friends of the writers. Not to mention that we all run in the same circles. But our target audience is basically ourselves, so who is going to advertise then? Help University College? Methodist High School? Or better yet, my boyfriend can advertise some of his apparently overpriced recreational green Mary-J’s.
Answer: It’s so I can finally say - I did it. I’m part of this culture. And to feel for myself what it’s all really about. It’s actually rewarding, in my own way, to practice my “freedom” of speech ma. Some say it’s therapeutic. Eh, not really. But I do feel proud of what I’ve typed so far because I hate typing. It’s funny how I’m doing this blog thing for my friends again ‘cos I lurrrve them, and Japanese Spongebob said I was funny…
But in this generation, blogging has grown out of proportion because I think we just mainly want to be heard, and we don’t care who’s listening. So I guess it’s good that I know exactly who this blog is going to be read by - my loves, my friends, the writers, and their friends. Which is a pretty good crowd I would say. A good crowd that actually matters to me. And a good target group for whatever I want to talk about. Much better than some unknown cyber fans in my opinion…
Don’t worry, I wont be posting about my shoes or my meals. I don’t even know if I’ll ever do this blog thing again.
But here’s to all who have read this blog and contributed - thanks for being there for me, letting me be a part of this and ultimately, being my friends and always listening to me.
Enough of this sappy shit… If u want some good laughs, check out Ade’s blog and post a comment for kicks!
In case you were wondering, she’s not retarded or some dumb blonde. Well actually, she’s kinda bimbonic, but, a genuine person who actually has a lot of sense, surprisingly; and has always been a good friend to me. Funnily enough, she’s bought soo much clothes and hasn’t had the chance to wear them that now she’s selling them off at her blog, they seem like pretty good buys actually.
Mwahs to all my fwens.
Ms. Rebellious Evöus
wow... sounds like a mission statement, ur hopes and dreams, advertisement all in one.
anyway nice post burger!
hey i ended up checking out ade's blog, it seems like a typical blog, if my ex has visitors, nothing in the cyber realm suprises me anymore
Btw, look forward to Boon's upcoming video, from what i heard today, the guy is on a roll
I figured out why some Malaysian blogs are more succesful than others even though they all talk about the same meaningless shit.... You have to be HOT/HANDSOME/PRETTY/CUTE. David DeAngelo calls this the "Halo Effect" - People automatically assume you are more trustworthy/interesting/insightful if you are good looking, which in this case translates into more hits for your blog.
Only in Malaysia.....
Thanks Jim, no pressure eh? Anyway can u add me to the list of authors, I wanna publish something first.
yeah sure, but ur going to have to create for yourself a gmail account, i cant add anything else.
haha no pressure?
of course not.
Jimmy, you turn gay?
No, thanks for inquiring but i am not gay, so i suggest u look else where buddy.
btw, did anyone get kamen's email about ade possibly suing her over her post?!
haha, im sorry, but that is just ridiculous
Ki-Man! I love you so! Blog more! I'll definitely read if you do! But must inform when you do so. Not all blogs are whiny. Some are actually quite intellectual and thought provoking. So...... Just try not to get yourself into too much trouble... Wonder where you got the first photo from.. :o)
but dude..aren't u whining as well?? hahahhaa
awesome !! that was one good blog .. was this set up by jimmy tangga ?? thats so so funny ... maybe evous should set up our own blog too !! u noe what i love about us ... is that u can end up bitching like hell bout someone ! but at the end of the day we are all still cool with each otha ! but end of the day .. u always tell it to our face so i guess its not 'bitchin' ......... Su - evous
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