Thursday, October 9, 2008

I think I'll contribute some BS to blurtsomething

In the supposedly finite well of human goodness we all come to find that our shit smells just as terrible as the person in the next stall. By saying person I meant guy because I'm a guy and it would be wrong for me to be in a woman's toilet, sniffing out the fumes of her foul pile.

It would be wrong only because I know that I would've forgotten to bring a bottle of chloroform with me and I would've failed in my mission. But that is for another day that has yet to come. Coming back, yes, I have a problem. You see, I'm not spent on the whole "nice guy" theory.

Predictably it reads out as such an empty, last ditch phrase doesn't it? Oh, he's a nice guy. But I have said it before myself, in fact going by a monthly check, I am sure that "nice guy" is one of my oft (over)repeated phrases. Then again, it's just me, I have problems with everyone.

What is with the McDonalds crew? Really you look at them and they're behind the counter, with their McDonalds beret as a part of the uniform and a poor part it is. Dipping chicken in the fryer, with that little earset strapped to their heads, is it really a big kitchen? Do they really need the technological aid to communicate with one another?

Surely the customer noise level can't be that enduring, or maybe its the PA system, with the terrible choice of music. Maybe thats why even with the earsets, they're still yelling across at one another in a disoriented, unorganized fashion. I think every McDonalds should have a decible marker. Everytime a staff's voice exceeds the level, their pay gets cut. Then we'll see what's what.

The same goes for the McGluttons too, if they can't keep it down then they don't deserve to have either types of a happy meal.

I was having a smoke just now and a woman walks up behind me, obviously she wants to get ahead, what with all the "ahems" and various "axekuse mes" that she so sardonically offered.

I give her the right of way because generally I don't like to muck around with people, and she walks past at least a feet away, turns around, looks at me and coughs the loudest, most purposeful, bloodcurdling cough I have ever heard. She coughed so badly that tears started to form at the corners of her eyes. She made me feel sick and I was almost thankful that she's not a smoker herself.

Self righteous people, even for the condescending prick that I am, I can't even fathom what it must be like to live with people like that. I blame the media, I blame mediocre parenting, I blame an unchecked intake of Oprah for the gradual slide in whatever the hell it is that is involved with being so gosh darn swell and self righteous.

I'm going to go wait for the moon now so I can howl at it.

I'll tell you what's misleading...stamps on the letters. Its not the stamp I have a problem with, its the pictures on the stamps. Have you seen this? Animals, buildings, people? Exactly what function does it serve? Does it give you a hint of what the letter is going to be about? And celebrity stamps, which genius came up with that I wonder? "Oh I am late on the rent and I'm getting evicted but at least it was nice that they sent me a stamp of Elvis"

A philathelist is a person who studies stamps. This is the reason why most of us choose not to have our fingers on the pulse of the world.



Jimmy said...

"I'll tell you what's misleading...stamps on the letters. Its not the stamp I have a problem with, its the pictures on the stamps. Have you seen this? Animals, buildings, people? Exactly what function does it serve? Does it give you a hint of what the letter is going to be about? And celebrity stamps, which genius came up with that I wonder? "Oh I am late on the rent and I'm getting evicted but at least it was nice that they sent me a stamp of Elvis""

Hahaha what a seinfeld-like binge

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